Danielle Smith

Spinal Energetics | Integrative Physiotherapy | Sound & Energy Healing | Massage | Aromatouch

Nambour – Thu


Danielle offers her services at The Chi Hub Nambour.

Danielle has been a health practitioner for almost 30 years, many of those years as a Physiotherapist. For the last several years she has been on her own spiritual healing journey, experiencing many forms of natural, alternative and shamanic practices. This journey was the catalyst to her expanding into a much more holistic and intuitively guided way of healing others.

Danielle is a believer that we are multi-dimensional spiritual and energetic beings, living this earthly experience in a physical body. In order to heal and be in a state of wellness all elements of our being need to be in balance and in a state of high vibration. Danielle is passionate about facilitating healing through the energetic field of the body, connecting with the elements, guiding clients to go within to heal their inner world, working through the barriers to shed all that no longer serves, raising their frequency and becoming their truest, most authentic loving self.

Danielle has qualifications in Spinal Energetics, Physiotherapy, Integral Sound Healing with the Sound Healing Academy (UK), Aromatouch Technique and Remedial Massage, Reformer Pilates and is also an intuitive Energy Healer. Her current offerings include Spinal Energetics, Sound Healing (groups and 1:1), intuitively guided Energy Healing, Sacred Cacao ceremonies, Full Moon/New Moon rituals, Guided Meditations, Aromatouch Technique Bodywork and Physiotherapy (Manual Therapy, Pilates Reformer & Matwork, Exercise-based Injury Rehabilitation & Remedial Massage).

Danielle is very empathic and feels the energetic shift occurring on the planet quite strongly. She aims to offer support and facilitate healing for people, help them to connect with spirit and their truth, raise their vibration, awaken within them passion and purpose, and bring people together in unity and love.

Experience Danielle – Spinal Energetics | Integrative Physiotherapy | Sound & Energy Healing | Massage | Aromatouch at The Chi Hub Nambour wellness centre on Thursdays each week.